Thursday, January 30, 2020


A simple blockage may not be the only problem contained within your drainage system. At  Thames Valley Drainage  we always recommend looking at the condition of the pipes by using cctv equipment.
It could turn out that the problems that are being experienced are not to do with the drainage pipes but actually relate to the soak-away. The soak-away is simply a pit of stones that allow natural drainage into the ground, Its size depends on the area expected to be drained.
Soak-aways can be used in both rainwater situation and in outfalls to septic tanks,
For example a rainwater downpipe travels down under the ground several metres to a soak-away, The soak-away has reached its saturation point, is possibly silted up and is exhausted causing the pipe to back up and act like a blockage. This would require re-siting the soak-away to a new location. This would involve carrying out a percolation test in the proposed area for the new soak-away to insure it can cope with the expected water load. Obviously re-siting the soak-away will lead to re-running the drainage pipe also.
In the septic tank situation foul waste products are processed through the septic tank in a biological action resulting in the excess liquid being drained of by the tank outfall to a soak-away.
Apart from the straight forward pit scenario drainage can be delivered into the ground via a herringbone system which is multiple pipes in the shape of fish bones perforated with holes to allow the water to be dispersed  over a greater area.
The success of a new soak-away is determined by finding a suitable site that can cope with the requirement.
For more information give our office a call on 01189888288 or email us

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